Landing in Kathmandu |
I made it through security and looked for my gracious host (
don't have a host? read here) – of course many taxi drivers approached me – but I found his Land Rover (in the diplomatic line) and we raced out of there. It's nice to have friends in the Foreign Service, especially when arriving in such a… unique place! Yet even diplomats can’t
avoid the diarrhea – I think I got it from plane food, but it
didn’t really stop while I was there. Shit just flowed; I didn’t ever have an emergency but my body just reacted, seemingly to just being there!
Hand-written sign at Airport security |
Nepal is a beautiful and friendly country – but living there
can be terrifying,
especially if you’re driving – and even worse if you’re on a
motorbike, like most Nepalis. Despite
the constant near misses, it appears people survive. Yet, when you see accidents happen after
being somewhere only a week – you try and look for that seat belt again (its likely not there). The “roads” are also terrible – it’s like a
trip on an old-fashioned rollercoaster – with ups and downs, zigs & zags
and abrupt stops and starts. There’s no
real possibility to relax even as a passenger. Unless you really “drive like a top” – I suggest having a
driver, if you live in this challenging place (a driver, as you might imagine, along
with a housekeeper & a gardener, is not expensive!).
A culture with such explicit carvings on
their temples has to accept the gays soon! |
My first "I'm in an impoverished country" moment was walking along and hearing
Rihanna blasting from a stereo – it was being played from a wooden
shack with corrugated metal roof – and I could see inside some young guy just lying on a dirt floor. No running water, real walls or shelter, but
he could listen to western music (at least when the power flowed or batteries lasted).
Rihanna is available, but gay life is
difficult to find – I apparently made it out on the busiest Thursday in a long time; about 30 people attended! In any case, if Nepal is the "
gay haven" in South Asia, that's not saying much. We arrived at "Fire Club" in Thamel, the main tourist area, about 11:15pm. A few people were there, but quickly more piled in. A few people tried to
make advances, and I socialized a bit – but there was not really anyone I felt strongly about. One guy I
recognized from social media – and he made some attempts to talk with me; I kept it
friendly. At midnight, almost exactly,
the music stopped, and we could hear shouts from below. Not only is a midnight curfew the law, but it was
enforced with patrolling police that must have visited every establishment. The bar owners and bouncers didn’t force us
to finish our drinks – it was uniformed police incessantly blowing high-pitched whistles that drove us from the club – we did our best to be very annoyed but
not outrage the local police.
All the guys hold hands - a sure sign they are NOT gay! |
The government has proclaimed that club culture is “against the culture and traditions of Nepal”
but it's really just another dysfunction of the government and it can’t be helping tourism either. However, maybe someone looked at places like Siam Reap, Phuket, or Bangkok and decided they don't want a terrible, drunken tourist town.
To find gays in Nepal – you needed to go online, whether it's
Grindr or
Jack’d. Of course, there's the old fashioned way of just finding those clearly
interested eyes on the street, which I attempted. I was just taking
pictures – and there was a group of guys who I assumed were in college. So I started chatting with them – soon (like the Peter Pan I am) I had about 7 guys just wandering with me (and when you can hardly communicate, the number of people matters very little!). What I didn’t realize is that we then exited the Bhaktapur
historical area – which I had entered through a back route “illegally.”
Music video being shot at Bhaktapur Dunbar Square |
Rant on crazy costs: The
price to view these historic sites is excessive considering the reason for the charge, "the upkeep of the monuments," is definitely false. These dirty, crumbling monuments don't have any "upkeep" - I’m pretty sure I know where this money must go. Furthermore, I’m also interested in where all the “Thangka school” painting money ends up. Experienced tourist hockers run (too many) painting "schools" where they employ painters of traditional Nepali Thangka painting and charge tourists as much as they are willing to pay for them. The style & paintings may be routed in
culture and religion, but the prices and number of these places seems excessive. Know you’ll be shown some paintings
when you meet someone friendly on the street near the tourist areas – and
everyone is friendly here in Nepal anyway – so you chat with them, but then you
ask, what do they do: “oh I am a painter.”
Just be prepared to negotiate a good price.
New friends return to Kathmandu together from Bakhtapur! |
So (back to Bhaktapur) when my new friends led me out of the historical "zone" –
I realized I missed seeing the largest temple! The focus inside was some South-Asian music video being filmed with the temple as a back-drop - so I figured I should re-enter, but I didn't realize I had left since I had entered from a different entrance! Plain-clothed officials asked for my ticket; I pretended to have lost it. After being refused, we went a
circuitous way around back into the zone. But this
time, those in charge – tourism officials, or whomever, caught on, and met us
at the next passageway, requesting payment to enter again – and not just requesting. Although not in uniform, they remained steadfast and insistent. So we went back towards the entryway into the city, later taxiing back to Kathmandu together and enjoying coffee at
Himalayan Java, a key meeting point for both locals & ex-pats (and often gays). The cafe has multiple locations all with (sometimes) operable wi-fi and the best, busiest cafe is near the
Garden of Dreams, which is a lovely walled-off enclosure and green escape from brown & bustle of the city.
Nepal would be a challenging place to live for those used to
western comforts – even walking down the street we were almost hit by metal
roofing when a huge gust of wind blinded us with dust and we had to rush to
shelter. Still, it is possible to walk
into a restaurant or bar and step into Paris or New York. So visit, hike a mountainside, meet the incredible,
friendly people and find ways to reach out and touch them-they will want to do the same. Live there if you want something new and exciting – a place where everyday you’ll be frightened but also
pleasantly surprised by its majesty.
Panoramic of Sunset at the Monkey Temple |
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